Anti-wrinkle injections – Frequently Asked Questions

Dec 12, 2016 | Cosmetic Treatments

Anti-wrinkle injections have become extremely popular over the past few years and it’s no surprise when they yield such amazing results.

Close-up half face portrait of young, attractive woman with arrows on her face. Face lifting concept.

What are anti-wrinkle injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are a series of injections used to relax facial muscles with a view to making lines such as wrinkles, crows feet and frown lines less visible. Anti-wrinkle injections are a non-surgical treatment and a very straightforward and quick procedure.

Are anti-wrinkle injections safe?

Anti-wrinkle injections should always be performed by a Doctor or Dentist with the correct professional qualifications  Here at Shields, we maintain a safe and correct environment and take your safety very seriously.

Anti-wrinkle injections are injected with small needles and is used in small volumes so there is no risk of any systemic side-effects, though you will be invited to a thorough consultation beforehand.

Is everyone suitable for anti-wrinkle injections?

You will be invited to attend a consultation before we can go ahead with your treatment in order to asses your suitability for anti-wrinkle injections. Whilst the majority of patients are suitable, anti-wrinkle injections are not advised for pregnant or breastfeeding women as the side effects on the baby are at present, not known.

What does the treatment involve?

At your consultation, Shields will want to assess your medical history and understand the reasons why you are seeking treatment. The injections will be administered around the sites you’re looking to treat.

Are anti-wrinkle injections painful?

Patients can experience some discomfort though most will tolerate this well. If you have any anxieties, your practitioner will do everything to make you feel at ease.

How long does treatment take?

Anti-wrinkle injections take only several minutes to administer.

When will I see results?

The effects of anti-wrinkle injections will not appear straight away. Patients will see results 3-5 days after treatment – you will notice a reduction in the wrinkles and lines on the areas of your face that have been treated. It takes roughly 2 weeks to see the full effects of anti-wrinkle injections. The results of anti-wrinkle injections will be visible for at least 4-6 months after treatment.

If you would like further information on how anti-wrinkle injections can benefit you, please visit our anti-wrinkle injections page for further information or contact us and we can arrange a consultation for you.

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